Classic Genetics
in Ciona
intestinalis & Ciona species
by Shungo KANO, Ph.D e-mail:

1a) Publications
and memo for inland culture using closed system 07/04/09
1a') 室内飼育の方法(in
Japanese) (内容はかなり古いので、最新のもの(特に餌)については英語を参照して下さい)
Laboratory strains in marine
invertebrates (in English) 海産無脊椎動物の実験系統
(in Japanese)
2) Linkage Maps & STS
markers in Ciona intestinalis
Linkage Map_A (the Neapolitan map) & STSs -AFLP-based
Liknage Map_B (the British map) & STSs
Kano et al., 2006 Zool
Sci. Downlodable from [here])
3) Polymorphisms in Ciona
intestinalis and Ciona species
Some Files for Sequence
links for the Ciona genetics
Feb 2012
updated What's
I have modified links for several sites and the Ciona genome browser by Maximilian
Dr. Haeussler. Several information will be updated soon.
Future line-ups *1b)
Experiences for transport and maintenance of Ciona
animals *2b) Some protocols for developing of genetic markers
in Ciona. (Refer Kano (2007), too.)