Maintenance of strains of marine invertebrates
This section is based on a short review "Maintenance
of laboratory strains of Ciona intestinalis" (in
Japanese, Tanpakusitsu Kakusan Kouso vol. 44 No.7 pp903-905 1999).
History of strains of marine invertebrates is still short and
at the initial stage although history of studies using them is
long. However, the situation is changing after the review was
published. This site aims to update information of strains of
marine invertebrates.
I would appreciate persons who replied to my questions about
their strains. Please, contact with me
when you have any information, statement, and correction.
Backgrounds (Under the construction)
Strains of marine invertebrates (including breeding in progress)
Solitary ascidians (no strain)
Ciona intestinalis
Ciona savignyi
Colonial ascidians
Polyandrocarpa misakiensis
Botryllus schlosseri
Sea urchins
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
P. cartus
Problems and Prospects